After the hike they enjoyed lunch at a Druze owned restaurant. Besides enjoying Druze food, here they also learned about the Druze culture. The chanichim learned from a member of their community that Druze feel very loyal to the society in which they live in , even though they are not Jewish. This is why they too serve in the Israeli Defense Force. They are loyal to the state where they live while also seeking their own freedom of religion.
Originally MBI was not scheduled to visit Rosh Hanikra, but because of the itinerary shuffling we were forced to do earlier in the summer, it freed some time this afternoon for them to do so. MBI was able to enjoy the spectacular view from the cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea at Rosh Hanikra and also experience some of the very cool caves the geological formation has to offer.
When the group returned back their hostel in Shlomi it was Erev Tisha b'av. They had a peulah by kvutza that was related to the holiday where they discussed how they choose to feel connected to Judaism.
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