Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kibbutz Rotation Continued...

Today the Kibbutz rotation continued. Kvutza Arava and Kinneret (On Kibbutz Shaar Hagolan) went kayaking at Kibbutz Kfar Blum. Kvutza Carmel and Harel (On Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov) participated in kibbutz seminar day. They learned about the history of the kibbutzim. The seminar included a tour of Ashdot Yaakov and Kibbutz Eshbal. Dan and Negev (On Kibbutz Deganya) had a yom kvutza. Dan and Negev had a really fun biker-themed tochnit erev (evening activity) last night, and today Negev had a few art based peulot while Dan talked about Habonim values and the philosophical idea of an absolute truth.

 Getting ready to kayak!

They are ready also!!

 Back on Kibbutz doing art.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kibbutz Kvutza Rotation: Day One

Today MBI began their three day rotation while staying on three separate kibbutzim. Each pair of kvutzot staying on each kibbutz will have a chance to kayak on the Jordan River, tour their kibbutz, learn about the Kibbutz Movement, and have a yom kvutza on their kibbutz. During yom kvutza their madrichim run bonding activities and value based peulot (educational activities) for them)

Kvutza Kinneret and Arava, who are staying on Kibbutz Sha'ar Hagolan, toured their kibbutz today. They had a walking tour of the grounds where they visited the chadar ochel (dinning hall), the children's house, refet (barn) and other locations on the kibbutz. Through the tour they learned about the original Kibbutz Movement. They learned how all of the structures on kibbutz came to be through values that the chalutzim (pioneers) held close. The madrichim challenged them to then think about the institutions they have at machaneh (camp) and the structures they implement every summer to resemble the kibbutz and to adopt the values of the chalutzim.

Talking about kibbutz life. 

Learning about kibbutz structures. 

Afterward they had some much needed pool time (it was really hot there today). In the afternoon they visited Kibbutz Eshbal, a modern kibbutz that is not privatized. The Kibbutz is run entirely by members of Hanoar Haoved. Tamir, MBI's techni (technical director) lives there and showed the group around the boarding school that is based on the Kibbutz where he is a teacher. He explained to them how the boarding school came to be and about the demographics of the chanichim (students) enrolled. Many of the students are Ethiopians who come from underprivileged backgrounds. They come to the school for an alternative schooling because things were not working out for them in the schools where they were originally enrolled. The boarding school and where they go to school during the week is entirely run by HD's sister movement Hanoar Haoved and based in Karmiel.

Learning with Tamir about his kibbutz. 

For kvutzot Negev and Dan, it was there chance to kayak at Kibbutz Kfar Bloom down the Jordan. After the rush of kayaking ended and they were back on land, a pizza lunch awaited them. Afterward they had an afternoon of activities with their kvutza back at the guest house on Kibbutz Deganya

Carmel and Harel had their yom kvutza today. The yom kvutza the most relaxed day of the three in the rotationhey. Both kvutzot had chugim (interest groups) run for them. They had the option of learning about the Scottish Revolution, Israeli Literature, Kiyum Meshutaf (shared existene in Israel), and journal writing. All four of them enjoyed the pool later on, and bonding activities run for them by their madrichim.

Harel enjoying time on kibbutz. 

With madricha masa (tour guide) Anat. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Givat Haviva Seminar Day

Today the group traveled to the Givat Haviva Seminar Center which is located Northeast of Hadera. Givat Haviva is an organization that, "...aims to build an inclusive, socially cohesive society in Israel by engaging divided communities in collective action towards the advancement of a sustainable, thriving Israeli democracy based on mutual responsibility, civic equality and a shared vision of the future." One of the main ways they do this is by running seminars, like they did for our chanichim  today, that challenge their views of the Arab-Israeli conflict from multiple angles.

When they arrived, each bus was designated their own madrichim (guides) that led a lecture about the conflict. The lecture differed from what the MBIers had previously experienced on our program. This time, the madrichim spoke about the history through different stories of individual experiences from both sides. Most of the narratives shared with the group were from those who live in the neighboring villages. It's important to understand because the seminar center is located right near the green line border, separating Israel from the West Bank where historically tensions have been high.

Then, all of MBI then came together for a lecture from an Amir, an Arab-Israeli. He told the group about his experience as an Arab Israeli. He focused on the discrimination in regards to the amount of public funding there is for Arab schools in Israel and the discrimination he faces in the job market. He told MBI that while he is proud of his Israeli citizenship, he identifies as a Palestinian.

They then left the building and went to an area that overlooks the Palestinian village of Barta'a. What is especially compelling about the village is that the green line border runs right through the town. To make things more complicated, the separation barrier that separates Israel from the West Bank runs behind the village placing the village within Israel. The Palestinian Authority still has governmental control over the village, but doesn't have much access to it physically because of the wall. This makes running the city extremely difficult for the Palestinians. The consensus among the chanichim was that it was interesting to see how the conflict and borders actually affects peoples lives. This seminar gave them many examples of this on both sides.

After their visit they were split by kvutzot and left for the kibbutzim where they will stay for the next three days. There will be two kvutzot on each of the following Kibbutzim: Deganya Bet, Ashdot Ya'akov, Sha'ar Hagolan. I will be sending out an email following this post with a document attached that shows who is in each kvutza and where they are staying the next three days.

When they arrived at the kibbutzim they all went to the pool and later had a peulah where they processed what they had learned today. They finished the day by reading a speech given by Yitzhak Rabin to Hanoar Haoved (the movement he was a part of growing up) about the importance for the youth to push for peace.

Their lecture from Amir.

On the green line tour.

Bus 3 got to pose with a couple taking wedding photos along the way. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Yom Habonim and Haifa

Today started with Yom Habonim at a beach on the southwestern part of the Kinneret. Yom Habonim is an event put on by the office of Habonim Dror Olami (World Habonim organization). Habonim members on Israel programs from all over the world were there. Julian, the Mazkir (director) of Olami spoke to all of the chanichim who were there for the party. He spoke about how there is a tradition in Judaism to celebrate a simcha (happy event), even during difficult times. He spoke about how important it was to be together as folks with a similar vision for the Jewish people even though they were clearly from all different walks of life. After he spoke they got to hang out on the beach, enjoy the water slides there, and chat with the other members of Habonim Dror.

After lunch they left the beach for Haifa to explore one of Israel's most unique cities. Haifa,
Israel's third largest city, is built into the Carmel Mountain on the Northern part of the coast.
Haifa is well known as being a multi-ethnic city where Arabs and Jews have lived and worked
together for years. Before they reached the urban center they visited Elijah's cave in the Carmel mountains. The cave is said to be where Elijah lived and hid 29 centuries ago.

Afterward, there were two stops in the city before dinner. The first was the beautiful Baha'i gardens where they had a conversation about the origin of their religion. They asked themselves what role religion should have in the modern world. Lastly, they had a conversation led by Sarah Fisher, our educational director this summer, about the Tnuat Bogrim (Movement graduates who have made Aliyah).  They learned about the different kvutzot (communes) they have formed in Haifa and the type of educational work they do in and around the city. For dinner they had the chance to purchase their own meal in a neighborhood at the top of the Carmel mountain.

Back at the hostel in Acco, they had an evening activity run by Australian Shaties (Workshop age Austrailian Habonim members living in Acco) which was was all kef (fun). They played Australia's got talent and split into groups to put on different musical acts. At the end of the night, one group was crowned Australia's most talented!

Julian speaking to the group.

All of Yom Habo. 

In Haifa. 

Preparing for their act during Australia's got talent. 

Preparing some more. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Machaneh Habonim With British Habonim!

All three buses this morning began their day on their respective kibbutzim, but left early for Acco where they were reunited with the others at a park. There, they also met with new Habonim United Kingdom peers. The Habo UK group is on their Israel trip as well which they call "Tour."

After saying their initial hellos they were split into mixed groups that included members of the British movement and started their seminar playing "outdoor training games." These included a variety of different activities using ropes and other materials as props in the games that forced them to use teamwork. Here are a variety of pics from the different games...

Lunch was a special one. A food provider brought portable pizza ovens for the group to the park and cooked a few hundred personal pizzas to feed everyone. Not to worry, gluten and dairy free options were available.

After lunch they left the park for the hostel where they are now in Acco's old city (one of my favorite places in all of Israel). The hostel was built only in the last few years and has a view from its roof like none other. Here, they had their first peulah together. It focused on what it means to be youth movement. The peulah was a round robin with stations. The first focused on why we play games in Habonim.They spoke about how trigger games (short fun games before peulot begin) are not only silly and fun, but serve a purpose and help shape the dynamic we aim to create during Habonim activities. The second station was a discussion of the goal of the youth movement to create a "children's society."  And how important it is that everyone's voice is heard. In addition, they spoke about how within the youth movement, youth take on responsibilities and have lots of autonomy. The third station addressed the idea of rebellion and how creating an alternative culture within the youth movement is a form of rebellion. They also spoke about Habonim's history of rebellion politically, on a societal level. And the last station was about the madrich (counselor) chanich (participant) relationship and the type of relationship we aim to create between the two by using dialogue and encouraging respect.

In the afternoon there was also a round of chugim (interest groups). There was a chug about language differences and different slang between the UK and HDNA. One was on high school experiences and how their experiences differ across the two cultures in North America and the UK. Another was making arts and crafts, there was one on story telling, Rikkud (Israeli folk dancing), and also improve games.

Arts and crafts. 

Dancing Rikkud

After dinner they had what the madrichim called "cafe Habonim." They discussed their relationship individually with Habonim and the differences between the two movements in the UK and in North America while eating treats in small groups.

Tomorrow is Yom Habonim where they will meet with members of Habonim from all over the world on a beach called Tzemach, on the Kinneret near Kibbutz Deganya.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

7/26 Shabbat and Visitors Day

All three buses had relaxing and fun days at their respective hostels. Each bus had chugim (interest groups) planned by their madrichim for them to attend. Chanichim (participants) were given a choice as to which one they wanted to attend. Krav Maga (Israeli martial arts), the history of Habonim and a massage workshop to name a few were featured in the list of options across the three buses.

Bus 3 spending quiet time together to bond.

Massage workshop during chugim on bus 2.

Bus 1 got a kick out of planning and celebrating an elaborate mock wedding for two of their madrichim (counselors) where they planned and threw a party for them. Each member of the bus had a different character/role to play as different family members and friends of the "couple." This was all pretend of course, but they had a lot of fun with it.

Bus 2 enjoyed some pool time after special Shabbat chugim and bus 3 had an outdoor music session overlooking a beautiful view of the Kinneret from the Poriya hostel.

Members of bus 3 prepare in an amphitheater for their musicale... 

View from amphitheater...




For those on MBI who either visited with friends and family at their hostel or left for the day with them, all were back with the group by 5:00 pm. After they arrived back they ate all together and did Havdalah together.

Tomorrow the group leaves for Acco where they will be staying in the old city along with members of Habonim Dror United Kingdom who are their age. They will have a day long mifgash (meeting) seminar that will lead into Yom Habonim which is scheduled for Monday.

Itinerary Change: On Monday, Yom Habonim has been moved for security reasons from the coast of the Mediterranean to a beach on the Kinneret close to where they are staying tonight.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday 7/25/14 - Bus Split and Beginning of Shabbat

MBI woke up a little later than normal today after a few extra packed couple of days back to back. Today was a restful, but productive day for the group. In the morning, while the whole group was on Kibbutz Deganya Bet they went swimming. Following swimming they split into their buses and left for their hostels where they will spend the next day. 

At their hostels they had time to plan out a special Shabbat for themselves. They were given a lot of autonomy over how it would look. They planned their Kabbalat Shabbat, Havdallah and other activities they wanted to do together including Rikud (Israeli Dancing). After this asepha (meeting) they had another asepha by bus where they decided which article of clothing they would like to design an illustration on to take home at the end of MBI. Bringing this piece of clothing has been an MBI tradition for years. They were really excited to take part.

Then in smaller groups than normal, because of the bus split, they had mishpachot where they spent time with only the members of their machaneh that are on their bus. After Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner they had rikud.

Here are some photos of bus 3 today...more to come tomorrow and potentially video (technical difficulties uploading)

Bus 3 Kabbalat Shabbat at Poriya Youth Hostel. 

More of Bus 3. 

View of Kinneret From Hostel in Poriya. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chatzar Kinneret and The Kinneret Cemetary

Today, the group headed down to the shores of the Kinneret one more time to learn about the early pioneers at one of the most historically significant places by the Kinneret- the Chatzer Kinneret (Kinneret courtyard) and cemetery. Founded in 1909, the Kinneret courtyard was part of the first agricultural training farm in the history of modern Israel, where young people would come through in small groups and learn to work the land, before leaving to somewhere else for permanent settlement. The MBIers heard stories of young people from Eastern Europe who came to Palestine and the hardships, dilemmas, failures and numerous successes that they endured in their time at the Chatzer.

Just across the road from the Chazter Kinneret is the old Kinneret cemetery. Here, the MBIers could hear the stories of some of the most famous personalities in the history of Israel and Zionism, ranging from the early Socialist Zionist thinkers and writers Moses Hess and Dov Ber Borachov, to the early Chalutzim (pioneers) Berl Katznelson and Rachel, the poetess to some of the integral figures of the modernstate, such as Israeli song-writer Naomi Shemer.

Tomorrow they will leave Kibbutz Deganya and the buses will split up for the first time this summer. As stated in my previous email, all of the buses will be staying within a short drive of one another. Bus 1 will stay of Kibbutz Deganya Bet, Bus 2 will head over to Kibbutz Sha'ar Hagolan, and bus 3 will be staying at the Poriyah Youth Hostel and Guest House.

Please let me know by phone tomorrow if you have any questions...917-822-2330.

Learning at the gravesites overlooking the beautiful Kinneret. 

Inside one of the buildings at Chatzar Kinneret, learning about the early kvutzot (collectives) in Palestine. Stories of these early Jews who settled the land were told by madrichim who acted them out.