Monday, July 21, 2014

Visit to Yigal Allon Center And Golan Heights

This morning MBI traveled to the Yigal Allon center/museum, on Kibbutz Ginnosar. The grouped learned together during their visit there about Allon, a commander of the Palmach, a pre-state militia. The Palmach ran similar to a youth movement. When someone graduated from the youth movement branch of the Palmach, they went to live on kibbutz and trained there. In the Palmach there were no ranks or officers, the army was built on equality values similar to Habonim Dror. The difference was obviously their emphasis on self-defense. Igal Allon was a major figure in the Palmach who was one of the founders of Kibbutz Ginnosar. He was the one who brought Yitzhak Rabin into the Palmach. After joining the IDF after the state was formed, he fought in the 1948 war. He eventually went into Politics and served as a leader in the Knesset for 25 years.  Despite the fame of being a "military man," he always pushed for labor party issues, education for all and worked for a just and peaceful society during his time in Israeli politics. This portion of the day at the museum was focused on looking at the 1948 war through the lens of the Palmach.

After visiting the museum they then headed to Mitzpe gadot, an observation point overlooking Syria and Lebanon. Here they learned about the 6 day war. Israel an even smaller country at the time tripled in size after the war. MBI learned how the ground they were standing on was actually a Syrian base before the war. Then, they transitioned to learning about the Yom Kippur war when they traveled to Har Ben Tal, another lookout over the Syrian border. Here they learned about The Yom Kippur War, a different story, Israel was surprised during this war by the attack from their neighboring countries and they paid a big price as a result. The group used the wars as a starting place to discuss the changes that Israeli society has gone through as a result of these conflicts.

Then they came back to the hostel at Deganya, had dinner and a peulah by kvutzah.

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