Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rafsodia Continued...

MBI got up early this morning to complete their task they started yesterday of sailing across the Sea of Galilee. 

After completing most of the base of the raft and getting it closer to water ready yesterday, today they worked hard on finishing knots that needed adjustment and carefully designed a sale to represent their kvutzah. It took incredible group effort, but they did it, they finished the raft and carried these incredibly heavy structures down to the beach and by mid afternoon they were ready to set sail...after they were approved by members of HeHalutz, the company that helped them construt the rafts and runs the operation. 

Sailing accross took about an hour and half for each of the rafts. When they arrived on the other side of the Kinneret they took apart the raft and boarded the buses and headed back to the hostel. 

Here are some great photos from the day!

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