Monday, July 14, 2014

Hike In Galil And Exploring Tzfat!

The group left their hostel in Peki'in this morning ready for an active day the Galil of Israel. It started with a tiyul (hike) on Har (mount) Meron, Israel's highest point in this region of the country. From the top they enjoyed a beautiful view and learned with their madrichim masa (tour guides) about the ecology of Har Meron and other natural reserves in Israel.

From the top of Har Meron.

From the mountain, they traveled to spend the afternoon in Tzfat, one of Israel's most interesting ancient cities. As they toured the winding stone streets of the city, they learned that Tzfat was one of the main centers of the Jewish world 500 years ago. And that the tradition of Kabala and furthermore Kabalat Shabbat come from Tzfat. They had the chance to enter a few different extremely beautiful old synagogues.

One of the many stone staircases of Tzfat. 

Visiting with a man in Tzfat that makes amazing sandwiches out of his shop. 

When they got back to the hostel, each kvutza (groups divided among buses) had a peulah (educational activity) about how to create a culture of equality and inclusiveness within their kvutza. This was followed by a beit cafe, an activity most of the machanot (camps) surely had seen before. MBIers sat in groups reflecting on the day and past week together while madrichim (counselors) served them snacks and drinks as they discussed.

They are all set for another tiyul nearby tomorrow as well as a tour of Tel Chai, one of Israel's most important and earliest settlements.

A note on the next few days:

We are currently working on booking MBI one more night (Wednesday night) at the hostel in Peki'in instead of staying in the Golan Heights. When I have more information on this I will update you. Thursday night we are back on schedule with the original itinerary. They will be staying on Kibbutz Eshbal for Tnua Achot , where they will meet our Israeli sister movement.

We are still evaluating whether "free weekend" next week will continue as planned. Over the next few days we will be making a decision on whether plans will need to be altered or not.

Other photos from today...

1 comment:

  1. There is so much to see and learn everywhere in Israel that wherever they go, they will have a worthwhile experience.
