Hanoar Haoved kenim provide a variety of resources to the youth in these communities. During the school year, they come to the ken for homework help, fun trips, tiyulim (nature trips), for peulot (educational activities) about the values of the movement, and of course to be social. Learning about the ken structure in Hanoar Haoved was a great way for the MBIers to both understand a bit more about the culture of their sister movement as well as the role they play in Israeli society, before spending the next three days with their peers from this movement.
During their visit to the kenim they had a peulah with the Israel members of each ken. Through their discussion they shared how their participation in each of their respective movements looks very different. In Israel, their involvement is on a weekly or daily basis, where as the structure in North America is far more centered around machaneh (camp) during the summer. But both groups came together through the common goal of both movements, to take responsibility for the communities around them.
Here are some photos from their visits today...
Visiting with the horses in the stable of Kibbutz Eshbal, a kibbutz owned and run by Hanoar Haoved...
A member of the movement in Israel created a beautiful image and projected it on the wall. MBI participants or should I say artists did the rest....
It came out beautiful.
Later in the afternoon each bus arrived at Kibbutz Eshbal where they began to meet all of the representatives from across Israel that they will spend the next few days with during Tnua Achot. All of the Israeli participants in the seminar represent come from different kenim. They were split into groups, had BBQ and made poike pots paired with an Israeli peer. This is a type of stew made in a cast iron pot with vegetables and different sauces. After dinner they played a variety of name games and got ready to camp out under the stars in the Galil.
Here is one of the camp sites at Kibbutz Eshbal...
Pots they made the stew in and water melon for desert...
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