Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sunrise Climb Up Masada and Dead Sea Today!

The group started their day early this morning... at 4 am! From the Bedouin tents it was a short ride to the base of Masada.

Leaving their buses, they ascended up the stairs that hug the side of the mountain. All three buses reached the top of the mountain just  in time to see the beautiful sunrise over the Dead Sea. 

Coming up the mountain

Is that a yawn, or a WOOOW??

Water Break

After enjoying the sunrise, the group spent a few hours with the madrichim masa (tour guides) visiting the archaeological sites that are located all across the top of the mountain. At the Bedouin tents last night they learned about the story of Masada and the Jewish resistance that took place there through a puppet show put on by the madrichim (staff). On top of the Masada today, surprise skits in different locations were acted out by the madrichim to help bring to life how important this story of sacrifice and resistance is to the history of the Jewish people. 

One of the madrichim acting in front of the chanichim

Another skit, this time acted out by MBIers 

Here are some more photos from on top today...

After walking down the other side of Masada, they ate a fantastic breakfast and made the 20 minute drive to the Dead Sea. There they enjoyed some rays and experienced the sensation of their own bodies transforming into flotation devices. 

After the group finished at the Dead Sea they drove to the Ein Gedi youth hostel where they will be staying the night. Right now they are having some relaxed kvutza (groups from busses) time and then are playing trivia with their complete bus groups. 

A note on safety and security....

The group is currently in a very safe place HERE. They are scheduled to travel more towards the center of the Negev (desert) tomorrow to Sde Boker. The Cheder Matzav (The governmental organization giving us security clearance on a regular basis) has currently cleared MBI to stay there through Saturday. Sunday, the group is currently scheduled to travel to the Tel Aviv area. Because of the escalating situation in the center of the country, we are looking at options to alter the itinerary Sunday to avoid this region. I will keep you posted and as soon as an official itinerary change is made I will inform you. 

Speaking with the groups leadership today I have the impression that the chanichim are in good spirits despite the conflict that persists. Please know that the wifi they have access to is not the most reliable and not every hostel has it available. The tzevet (staff) has been encouraging them to contact those of you waiting to hear from them at home to let you know they are doing just fine. 

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